Become a New Business

At the State and Federal government level it is known how many businesses start, file returns, and stop operating each year. The government however doesn't keep track of the reasons a business stops operating. They only recognize the fact that the business is no longer operating. This would be OK except not all businesses stop operating because they fail. There are many reasons other than failure for businesses to stop. yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2 yuzuhiko2


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