Business System

Health care professionals, from doctors to physical therapists, who have their own businesses, often look for help in the wrong places. They go through their careers constantly battling the outside forces, which incessantly try to control their businesses. Almost all medical business owners, because of their ignorance of the existence of what a business system is or even that they exist, the value it has for their business functions, and the power a business system brings to productivity and profitability, rarely reach a level of business success and profitability they expected. There's a reason. They either weren't taught, were never educated in business principles, or never understood that business chaos is a curable disease. Business chaos managed in a learn-as-you-go philosophy provides for a slow start and fast failure in most cases. You'll discover that all the remarkably effective marketing strategies in the world of business never alone solve your problem with creating a sustainable profitable business. It's then, that your attention is drawn to the necessity of having some organizational structure and foundation that will enable marketing efforts to create the results they are designed to do-business systems. Successful and profitable businesses require both a business system and a marketing plan with management. Successful business is composed of a series of coordinated, synergized, and compatible systems working in unison towards a specific objective. Business System Overview: The definition of a business system for a medical business is defined as a dynamic balance of the six major foundational components of your business: • Financial Logistics • Internal Processes • Innovation • Learning • Growth • Patient Management The supreme guru known throughout the world as the father of business management, Peter Drucker, states that business has two primary functions: Peter Drucker firmly states that a business has only two functions: marketing and innovation. He meant that the functional components of a business have those two objectives. In the process of obtaining these objectives, it's necessary to create systems and processes that support those objectives. What spins off from that effort are what we superficially know as business revenue, profitability, productiveness, and business stability. Business systems should be written down and kept in a 3-ring binder. Anyone in your medical business office then has immediate access to the pages of information defining in detail how your office will function under most all circumstances. Don't you think that this sounds incredibly like having an Employee Policy and Procedures Manual? You bet. Chris Anderson's business,, of providing you with various business manuals, starter information, and a newsletter with excellent information articles, is one of the best resources on the topic. Business systems need to be created, or at least modified from a template, to mesh with the ultimate objective the owner has established, because the system will be unique to each medical practice setup. No one has the same ideas, desires, goals, and plans for their business system. Does it take time and concentration to create the system? Absolutely. Anything worthwhile requires work and time to complete. The good part is that once it's completed, any revisions later are done in a matter of minutes over the next 40 years in practice. Judging from the present trends in the medical profession, most physicians and other doctors may not be in private practice over 15 to 20 years, if that. Business System Components: First, you define the ultimate goal or mission for your medical practice. Is your aim to make money fast and retire early? Or, is it your desire to have a medical practice that is stable and provides the income to live a simple life? Once that is determined, a business system compatible with creating that goal can be constructed. It's critical that every element of that system is pulling in the same direction. The elements of the system dealing with employees have to accomplish the integration of their efforts with a focus on the ultimate growth and expansion to meet the objectives of the business. Alignment and compatibility of every aspect of the components has to be clearly planned and expedited. voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp voyagepvp Breaking the business system down to its roots is the next step. In a simplified way, it looks like this: Business System > Business Functions > Each Business Function > Business Processes > Process Mapping > Education • Business System --system of goals established --reasons for the system --understanding the system value to the business • Business Functions (some) --accounting --management --patient flow and recruitment --supplies and inventory --planning and administration --marketing --growth and opportunity --competition factors --education --communications and interactions • Each Business Function --list of processes needed to perform that function --list of projects that function can perform --establish compatible interactions among processes --ways to improve the process --ways to save time • Business Processes (how you actually do the job) --take each process and break it down to steps --list of steps in the order of performance --define the value of each step --how to make each step more efficient --use of deadlines for work efforts • Process Mapping (mind impact greater) --diagrams, flow charts, graphs, images --value it provides for learning and efficiency --simplifies any complex system by presentation models • Education --teaching every employee the business system --refreshing sessions so don't forget --employee cooperation is dependent on it --a system is useless without everyone participating This simplified outline should be a guide for starting your business system creation. It means you must dig down into the areas of your business that you detest doing and have no desire to even know about. A high level of business profitability and success is the reward for going the extra mile to set it up. Paying to have it done for you, can be quite expensive, but there are fill-in-the-blanks templates for business systems online to use. Be a smart business person. Give yourself the tools to carve out your empire the fastest and easiest way-create a business system. The author, Curt Graham, M.D., an experienced physician, author, and marketer with expertise in medical practice business and marketing strategies, is an expert author and motivator for professionals in the business world. He is a platinum expert author with and has been published in Modern Physician and on the Internet. Discover how to make your medical practice flourish and exceed all expectations with simple business and marketing strategies. Click here now for the effective ways to do it.


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